Who presides over the joint session of Vidhan Sabha and Vidhan Parishad of a State? (a) Chief Minister of State (b) Chairman of Vidhan Parishad (c) Speaker of Vidhan Sabha (d) Governor of the State
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8 36360Post New AIR Interview Questions
How to get Retrieving the Request URI ?
How do I run mysql without installing?
What is the real-world example of dhtml scripting?
What is the use of jstl tags in jsp?
What is hashtable in c# with example?
Should I learn python before c?
What is the python interactive console or python shell?
Explain release strategy
What is component interface, where did you use?
How to use grep command to list find the records of a file containing 10 different strings?
Hope you have worked on enhancements and on which userexit you worked can you explain?
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what is practical application of clipper circuit?
Define partitions in apache spark.
What is the use of CONVFMT?