How do I enable the shortcut menu in excel?
How do you check sql server is up and running?
How to create a responsive theme in drupal?
Explain heat treatment. Why and how is it done?
Short Answer on _____________Whole Sale Trade
Define sensitivity?
what is virtual directory in iis? : Windows server 2003
What is the use of -w, -t and strict in Perl?
What is meant by domain?
How do I get the microsoft edge icon on my desktop?
What are sticky keys?
How to create a mass email template in salesforce?
Which 2 ports combine to form the 16 bit address for external memory access?
Theare is a Database In analysis services,How we will specify the fact table.(i.e whether we will create the measure objects for the fact tbl.) or it will reside insde the database.
What are the access method services used in vsam?