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CarrizalSoft Technologies Interview Questions
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What are version control tools? How are they use full can any body name few version control tools.

3 12977

How to write Negative test cases?

12 46272

What is Integration Testing and its types

7 46137

What are the three tiers of a three-tiered architecture?

6 9445

What are the five major technologies that can be used to create Client Server applications?

1 4530

What is a File server?

1 3915

What is the Classification of clients?

1 4009

What are called Non-GUI clients, GUI Clients and OOUI Clients?

1 11085

What are the benefits obtained by using the Client Server oriented TP Monitors Client Server applications?

4 6784

what is Upsizing,down-sizing?

4 17181

How do you optimize SQL queries ?

6 34299

How would you deal with a bug that no one wants to fix? Both the SDE and his lead have said they won?t fix it?

9 18541

Features and disadvantages of dataset?

2 15250

What do you mean by Requirment Coverage?

8 17242

What is checkout ?

10 12885

Post New CarrizalSoft Technologies Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

A. What kind of decisions is a manager generally required to make in the organizational context? Explain with examples as to which of these correspond to programmed and non-programmed categories B. Discuss various strategies used in implementing organisational change in the context of a large manufacturing company


Where are sedimentary rocks found? : soil science


What Are The Three Cost Factors Involves In Cloud Data Center?


What is slug in javascript?


The electromagnetic torque developed is proportional to what in a D.C series motor?


What is object repository in selenium webdriver?


What is Community Portal?


How will you test your code through Sandbox?


What is the jsf?


How many scope can an application have?


What are exports & imports?


Define union, minus, union all, intersect ?


In which all places, testing is done?One is from the server by calling server name.Can u suggest others?


How do you make a spreadsheet formula?


What are the rules of variable?