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CarrizalSoft Technologies Interview Questions
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Advantages of Rational ClearCase over other SCM tool i.e Microsoft Visual Source Safe

4 15476

which part of the SDLC includes Risk analysis

4 11041

what are the tools available for estimation evaluation

1 4941

who does the estimation in perticular SW project

2 4738

what are the parameters / dependencies in calculating the estimation

1 4208

how to review the estimation, what are the check points

1 4833

what is the best fit phase in SDLC to do the estimation analysis

2 7055

whose responsponsibility in SDLC to accept or reject the submitted plan

1 4258

why we use cursor?

4 14081

how to count datewise data in sqlserver

4 14235

what is trigger

1 4378

How many index can be created for single table

4 17626

How can I map test requirement to Test Set (multiple test cases)? Under test lab, I have multiple test cases. I would like to map 1 requirement to all test cases under that test set (in test lab)? Currently, I think QC only allow mapping 1 test requirement to 1 test case. Instead I would like to map 1 test requirement to multiple test cases under one test lab.

4 10977

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Un-Answered Questions

How to create service contract?


How many valves is tomcat configured with?


What can you do with drupal?


What is use of pointer?


What is the byte order of byte buffer?


What qualities should a good agile tester have?


What are clustered and non-clustered index?


How you can export data in excel format?


What are primary consumers?


What are guards in laravel?


How to run cakephp project in xampp?


What is the w5hh (wwwwwhh) principle given by barry boehm?


What is the use dso in bw system? What kind of data is stored in dsos


Does treemap allow duplicate keys?


How do you use flex in css3?