What are the new Form Elements introduced in HTML 5?
How to do Stored procedure testing? Who does this testing (Developer or tester)?
What are all the types of gateway used in Cognos?
Name the different types of deposits in a bank?
What is difference between dictionary and hashtable in c#?
What is the difference between react components extend, createclass and mixins, hocs?
What is cairnghorm in flex? : adobe flex action script
How can you identify the browser and its information using QTP script?
Which Python library is used for machine learning?
what is the weight of 12mm aggregates?
Why java is better than node.js?
What are application domains of computer vision?
how to Create reports in SD module such as sales order report, which covers all organization levels, delivery status, invoice status, shipping details and partner function details. The data will be extracted from VBAP, VBPA, VBAK, VBUP, VBFA, KNA1, LIPS, VBRP, MARA, VBEP and KONV tables. plz mention the detail coding Tahnks, Rahul
How do you check the port is open or not in linux?
Can arraylist contain duplicates?