What are the different types of Backups in Windows?

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What are the different types of Backups in Windows?..

Answer / chandra

This article explains different types of backup available in
windows (ntbackup.exe). The Backup utility supports five
methods of backing up data on your computer or network. The
analogy behind this different types of backups is the
archive attribute.

Copy backup
A copy backup copies all selected files but does not mark
each file as having been backed up (in other words, the
archive attribute is not cleared). Copying is useful if you
want to back up files between normal and incremental backups
because copying does not affect these other backup operations.

Daily backup
A daily backup copies all selected files that have been
modified the day the daily backup is performed. The
backed-up files are not marked as having been backed up (in
other words, the archive attribute is not cleared).

Differential backup
A differential backup copies files created or changed since
the last normal or incremental backup. It does not mark
files as having been backed up (in other words, the archive
attribute is not cleared). If you are performing a
combination of normal and differential backups, restoring
files and folders requires that you have the last normal as
well as the last differential backup.

Incremental backup
An incremental backup backs up only those files created or
changed since the last normal or incremental backup. It
marks files as having been backed up (in other words, the
archive attribute is cleared). If you use a combination of
normal and incremental backups, you will need to have the
last normal backup set as well as all incremental backup
sets in order to restore your data.

Normal backup
A normal backup copies all selected files and marks each
file as having been backed up (in other words, the archive
attribute is cleared). With normal backups, you need only
the most recent copy of the backup file or tape to restore
all of the files. You usually perform a normal backup the
first time you create a backup set.

Strategy : Normal + Incremental
Backing up your data using a combination of normal backups
and incremental backups requires the least amount of storage
space and is the quickest backup method. However, recovering
files can be time-consuming and difficult because the backup
set can be stored on several disks or tapes.

Strategy : Normal + Differential
Backing up your data using a combination of normal backups
and differential backups is more time-consuming, especially
if your data changes frequently, but it is easier to restore
the data because the backup set is usually stored on only a
few disks or tapes.

I guess now you people know what are this different backup does.

Is This Answer Correct ?    63 Yes 7 No

What are the different types of Backups in Windows?..

Answer / rakeshreddy


Is This Answer Correct ?    26 Yes 4 No

What are the different types of Backups in Windows?..

Answer / sumit

Backup:- Backup is tool of Microsoft windows operating system
which use to protect our data from lose in the case of system

There are five type of Backup
1 Normal Backup
2 Incremental Backup
3 Differential Backup
4 copy Backup
5 Daily Backup

1 Normal Backup:- Normal Backup is type of backup It is use
to tack backup of complete Document it clear the archive bit.(archive bit are use to Backup tool identify which data
are Backup-ed and which are not)
2 Incremental Backup:- Incremental backup are use to tack
backup of only modify data, it also clear the archive bit

3 Differential backup:- Differential Backup is same as
incremental backup, but there are only one difference
between Incremental backup and Differential backup is
Incremental backup clear the archive bit but differential
does not clear.

4 Copy backup:- Copy Backup is same as normal backup, but
there are only one difference between Copy backup and normal
backup is normal backup clear the archive bit but copy
backup does not clear.

5 Daily Backup:- Daily Backup are use to tack backup on
regular basis.

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 1 No

What are the different types of Backups in Windows?..

Answer / inderjeet

I am understand backup type
but what is different in daily and copy backup

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 3 No

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