Subnet the class C network address into eight subnets. Why are the ‘all ones’ and ‘all zeroes’ subnets not used ?
Are you familiar with all steps for setting up a workflow?
Explain retroactive accounting. When is it used?
How to use httpclientmodule in angular?
How can we disable java code or scripting in jsp page?
Are structs value types or reference types?
Explain what is the use of a semicolon (;) at the end of every program statement?
What is preprocessor in .net and type, where it use?
List out the important field in purchasing view?
All ready we have alias tables for modifications why we are using views if anybody this answer plz reply me
Explain cdn in jquery?
What is key set driven?
What are programming functions?
What about CSI with SSL?
What are the Standard Reports and Forms in HRMS?