If Document posted in one fiscal year can it posted in Next Fiscal year?
What is better mysql or mongodb?
Please tell us that is jquery knockkout intended to compete with jquery or prototype or work with it?
How to get the current offset of the first matched element, in pixels, relative to the document using ?
how many ways are there to copy test cases in test director
What is independent and dependent variables in research?
What are the methods called when component is created or while inserting it to dom?
here's one of our insurance plans. Sell it to me? : insurance cold calling
Explain the file needed to boot win-xp?
What are the criteria’s involved in choosing mass balances for components?
What was the reason for selecting a speed of 155.52 Mbps in the original ATM standard ?
Do you know the capabilities of cursors?
How microorganisms vary in pathogenesity?
suppose i have icici card,i wil go to citi bank atm and drawn some amount...and take the card back..here my que is,can anyone tell me what is the integration scenario happens at that point.(which means transaction happens from card insert into atm,,data send to citi bank ,debit amnt and came back to icici atm.in that what is the integration senario.
How to call the "Procedure" in test bench for VHDL...? Please post the answer for it....?