What is the role of use command?
How do you copy formatting in word?
What type of questions are asked in interview?
Are successfactors, ariba, concur, sap hybris marketing, and other cloud solutions from sap included in the sap s/4hana product license?
How you can insert video in Microsoft Word 2013 ?
What is ngaftercontentinit?
How do you design a system which is required to experience a shock force of 15G in 10 milliseconds?
Is it true that COM objects no longer need to be registered on the server?
What are the limitations of parameters of tableau?
Explain storage architecture of idms.
Draw a P& ID showing – orifice flange, plate, dp transmitter, isolation & bypass valves and tubing.
What is a dominant pole?
What does a special set of tags do in php?
Explain the difference between .net and c#?
Explain viewchild in component interaction?