how to perform security testing manualy.I given the answer but interviwer not satisfeid from my answer
5 14575There is 15 KVA UPS using for single phase load.And 30 batteries of 12 V, 100 Ah are connected in series. Load is taking 15 A current.What will be the back up power for this UPS on same load?
1 3238Post New BS Interview Questions
How to find 3rd highest salary of an employee from the employee table in sql?
What is qa engineer?
What is select case statement?
What is a difference between stack and heap memory?
Tell us how can you find if an element is displayed on the screen?
I have written a pro*C program to fetch data from the cursor. where in i have used the concept of BULK FETCH.... each FETCH statement is taking lots of time to fetch specified number of rows at...
Explain the deployment models?
What is mipmap/ directory?
What is the maximum ram for windows 7?
Dear sir , 1-what is diffrence local tax & vat 2 -what is sales tax. tds. service tax challan & return due date(monthly & quartly, annually) 3- what is deprecation rate in company act 4-what is income tax latest limit-
Is c++ pass by reference or value?
What are the major phases of the rpa life cycle?
What are the important components of the internet of things?
what is the equvalent indian material code for EN10025/2- S75JR
How to apply style elements in a silverlight project?