given the following: 77 A PIC 9V9 VALUE 9.5 77 B PIC 9 VALUE 9. 77 C PIC V9 VALUE 0.8 77 D PIC 9 77 E PIC 9 77 F PIC 9V999 what are the contenta of D E nad F after the following statements are executed: COMPUTE F ROUNDED=A+C/B MULTIPLY A BY C GIVING E ADD B C A GIVING D ROUNDED a.F=9.589 E=8 D=1 b.F=9.589 E=8 D=9 c.F=9.589 E=7 D=9 d.F=9.589 E=7 D=1
5 12933I have the requirement to compare the two files and pick up the matching records. File 1. file2 23 32 32 13 34 15 35 36 36 35 43 Get the matching records from this 2 files to out file. how you will do this in cobol program?
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