What animal sleeps the most?
how can you perform exception handling without using component like tjava,tjavarow?
Differentiate between joiner and lookup transformation?
What is a state in reactjs and how is it used?
Which method you will use to create a new file to store some log data. Each time a new log entry is necessary, write string to the file in java ?
How many double suspension hardware fittings are required on a double circuit transmission tower?
Is a server a database?
What is stored in table t001 ?
What is difference between xml and xhtml?
What is backend javascript?
If you have a valve with an applied pressure, how do you determine the stress to the closed and open valve?
What is the purpose of
Can you differentiate public and private accounting?
What is the difference between vbc and ebc in siebel?
can anybody send the rrb chennai &rrb bopal question papers of 2006&2007.My exam is on 12 oct 2008.Its urgent