What is front controller in struts?
Is set sorted in java?
What technologies are included in j2ee?
1. How can u know that the DB has connected to ur WLS? 2. What happen when u deploy a ear file in web applications? 3. What happen when ur DB and proxy server(Apache) are down n ur weblogic server is up? 4. How can u configure ur proxy server(Apache)? 5. How can the proxy server(Apache) communicate with ur WLS? 6. How the request process to ur WLS through the Proxy server(Apache)? 7. How can u know that ur heap memory is full? 8. When will u do garbage collection?
What is EMC filter in VVVF Drive ?
When are you supposed to use endif to end conditional statement?
When Did The Single Supervisory Mechanism Become Operational?
What Are The Main Phases Of Portfolio Management?
How do I use datedif function in excel?
Where is merge option in excel?
State the procedure for using forward attribute of link tag’s.
What is the use of triggers?
How to python script executable on unix?
Would you please provide me with questions collected for interview regard to pressure vessel, which is in the aspects of welding, NDT, materials and painting? Please send these questions&answers to lgx_jasmine@126.com within 1 week, Thank you for your help. Rgs!
what comments have u given in peer review? tell me at least 3 comments what u have given? july27 brahma412@yahoo.co.in