How we develop a method by HPLC for unknown compound,if we got three peaks with same response then how we can find out which one is our desired compound's peak without taking help of LC MS.
4 13721What is the difference between Paddle and Basket Why we are using Basket or paddle in dissolution.
7 44138How much sample concentration should i inject against diluted standard in related substances for drug product in hplc analysis
1 3907Is it necessary to validate both assay and related substances for usp official methods for products.
6 12345what is motor capacity of 80TR chiller? and also say what is the formula related temperature, motor capacity, TR?
1925Post New Apotex Interview Questions
Define the role of ieee in computer networking?
What is http post and http get?
Is it possible to have different access modifiers on the get/set methods of a property?
how do you delete a lingering object? : Windows server 2003
What is session data?
Explain the caching strategies of django?
How indexing is done in HDFS?
What are the differences between Machine Learning and Deep Learning?
what does the conf.setMapper Class do ?
What is client side routing?
I am using excel. I am working on a spreadsheet in which the columns are showing numbers rather than letters. How do I get the letters to show again?
Explain bearing
How to make a “new line in html” in jsp?
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