How voltage regulation is calculated for over head transmission line? What do we mean by Conductor constant while calculating voltage regulation? how it is differ for for diffrent type of conductor say AAAC DOG & AAAC RACOON conductor?
3 20525who is the judge in case of the auditor has raised an NCR against an auditee? who should decide weather this NCR is acceptable and the auditee has to accept?
1559What is given by the definition in BIL IMP/PF = 950/395 kV. This was found in a name plate of a power transformer.
2027why generation voltages are 6.6kv or 11kv and why not some one give that stander that generation voltages are 5kv or 12kv?
1 3543Post New AES Interview Questions
Explain how is it possible to set an infinite execution time for php script?
Name top 10 bi tools?
What is double word?
What is the merger sort principle and its time complexity.
What is solid?
importance of defining tg or tf in selecting master and slave bts's?
What is Writable & WritableComparable interface?
What is voltage? ?? What type of of show voltage. ?? Practillay how's voltage?
What is meant by xslt?
What are the two most important Factor that should be kept in mind when there is a buy back of shares in companies as per indian companies act,1956
java program with complete 4 oops concepts implemented example
How boxing and unboxing occures in memory?
What do you mean by adaptive server enterprise?
What is an editor?
How do I create a summary report in excel?