I have completed by Msc in biotechnology will i be eligible for this SBI P.O position?? or it is only for people who did CA/CS/economics and so on...
1 3022Post New Accounting CompanyAffairs CS Interview Questions
can u please explain what is the exact difference between qtp8.2 and 9.0
what are the security certificates used in webservices?
What are the limitations of mongodb?
What do you mean by the custom field in wordpress?
Define the jobs performed by the biu and eu in the 8086.
What is a subquery in sql?
Where is the iis config file?
What is ubuntu gnome desktop?
Tell me is there a way to know if my code is running on emulator or device?
Explain the common input formats in hadoop?
What is the difference between consigner and consignee?
What is a query in php?
Explain how many types of dimensions are available in informatica?
how is control wiring coding is done in a CRP panel ?
The Director has been asked to cut the operating budget by 10%. He has asked you to prepare recommendations for reducing the budget. How would you approach this task?