In which part are the carbohydrates stored as glycogen in human body? 1 Stomach 2 Pancreas 3 Liver 4 Duodenum
2 4905Post New Accounting General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions
Explain how to pass instream data in sysin with assembler?
Can you override static methods?
In ELM how can we upload with prospect role
Why do you use the namespace feature?
What are the new scripting capabilities of ssms? : sql server management studio
List of all dos commands with examples?
Can we give +2 instead of +1 while creating a new gdg file?
What is h:inputhidden tag in jsf (javaserver faces)?
Explain what do you understand by cassandra- cql collections?
Define enzyme?
How tripod is used?
what is the difference between sql server2000 and 2005
Which is the payment term which actually gets defaulted when the transaction is posted for the customer (accounting view or the sales view)?
What are the different types of table spaces?
I am configuring APACHE Server on SOLARIS-10. I am having some problem while configuring the httpd.conf. Can any one help me to find out the root directory of APACHE server. How can I publish my website through it?