You have 2 dices. What is the probability of getting at least one 4? Also find out the probability of getting at least one 4 if you have n dices.
What is Apex?
What is meant by a “baseline date” in sap ar and ap?
can a machine with a single DNS name have multiple IP address?how could this occur.
what Neo4j CQL LIMIT clause is used for?
What is anti-entropy and how is it associated with merkel tree?
what are the fundamental reasons behind the present worldwide economic downturn?
Who command in unix operating system?
What is the purpose of the integer parse method the decimal parse method?
Can I combine classic asp and pages?
You are the project manager for Heartthrobs by the Numbers Dating Services. You’re working on an updated Internet site that will display pictures as well as short bios of prospective heartbreakers. You have your activity list and resource requirements in hand and are planning on using qualitatively based durations and reserve time to determine activity durations. Which of the following is true? A. You are using inputs of the Activity Duration Estimating process. B. You are using tools and techniques of the Cost Estimating process. C. You are using tools and techniques of the Activity Duration Estimating process. D. You are using inputs of the Cost Estimating process.
What is publish/subscribe messaging?
What is set operator oracle?
When I type a number, example 44, it becomes 0.44 even if I format the cell without decimals?
What is js full form?