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Biocon Interview Questions
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how to prepare esters to aldehydes?

7 12972

What is the procedure for investigation of an OOS (Out of specification) results?

4 24929

how to measure level under ground tank ? which type of transmitter very accuracy ?

3 8302

What bacteria should we eat?

3 7323

Why we are maintaining the autoclave temperature at 121degree centigrade and pressure at 15lbs? Why we are not maintaining the temperature and pressure above or below 121degree centigrade and 15lbs? higher temperature also kills microbes. then why we are not maintaining it above 121degree? what is the reason?

4 37503

what is the difference between gc& hplc. why we r not calculating purity by gc for final products

5 16203

principle of FTIR

2 17862

What is the principle of GC/HPLC ?

4 56376

what is the advantage of immobilised enzyme in industrilized ?

1 6738

Why dissolution test is not performed in all of the products


why all liquid raw materials fallows residue on evaporation at 105Degree temp. but methanol bp 60Degree

1 3366

what is meaning of wet analysis.


why using HCLO4 in potentiometry?. what are the chacterestics of HCLO4.


why using Potentometry What Purpose? differance between manual and potentiometry? why using Some of materials in usig potentiometry? What is use of mericuric acetate in Potentiometry

1 5168

Sulphated Ash incresed it will effect on product yield?

3 5088

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Is a website on wordpress safe?


Differance Between Stright Line and WDV Methed ?


Define anonymous class.


Does mongodb handle application level caching?


Write a recursive program to calculate factorial in c++.


What does it mean to be case sensitive?


What is odm in database?


What Is Payday Loan?


How do active server pages work?


What is the use of a semicolon (;) at the end of every program statement?


Mention the reliability and availability of cloud computing.


impairment & Amortisation Means


What are the principles of object-oriented programming(oop)?


What is the significance of Sliding Window operation?


What are​​ different types of​​ UDFs ( User Defined Functions ) ?