What was the type of time recording you used in time management. Positive or negative? What is positive time recording and negative time recording? What are the differences between them?
3 15617what are the differences between 'exhaust fan', 'heavy-duty exhaust fan' & 'super heavy duty exhaust fan'. what are their power ratings ?
1717For a load of 40HP induction motor.what will be size of Armoured copper cable require to connect the motor to starter in Star-Delta?
1 4643Post New CG Interview Questions
Explain the difference between mq version 6 and 7?
how to get a list of all tables in a database? : Sql dba
differentiate between revenue deficit and fiscal deficit?
What are the three types of databases?
What Winrunner framework did u use in ur organisation?
Explain what are the methods available in storing sequential files ?
How many methods are there in the externalizable interface?
What is an odbc driver?
What is the use of spark sql?
Define the nitrogen cycle?
Explain dependency injection and their types.
What is the latest version of magento 2?
I have 7500 rows. I need all rows in single reports. Which type of prompt we have used retrieving all rows and show in a report? We have dynamical queries q1, q2, q3, q4, q5. If customer selects the particular, query that only show in execution report. In case it may more then one, how do you execute the particular query item in report page? What are the difference bt OLDP and OLAP?
How do I use autosum in excel 2016?
How to write a good marketing plan that can be used to increase sales?