In MTO, cust has order 100 quan, another cust place order same material 50 quant can we assign 50 quan to second cust in MTO process
4 5232Post New CG SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions
Why do we use npm?
How do you align images in word?
How the jms is different from rpc?
What are some of the most significant deals this bank has completed in the last 12 months?
What's your experience with qa engineering?
what in 4th and 5th normal form ??
Can we integrate jsf with other popular frameworks such as spring, hibernate etc?
How do I transfer windows live mail to windows 10?
Can anybody tell me how to select the size of earthing cable for DCS & PLC system.Please tell me any relevant answer here or mail it to me.
What protocol does sql server use?
What are the major sectors involved in aircraft maintenance?
can I install informix on a non-english version of windows nt?
What is the difference between oracle and db2?
How do I set the path or any other environment variable for a task?
What are the instance and static components?