In MTO, cust has order 100 quan, another cust place order same material 50 quant can we assign 50 quan to second cust in MTO process
4 5232My select statement is not working as expected, So, to overcome from such issues what are the steps needed to be taken care?
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Can include files be nested? How many levels deep can include files be nested?
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How to clean the datastage repository?
why use hcolumndescriptor class?
How to specify a client for database table processing?
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if building "b" height casts a shadow "f ' feet long . the same day a tree "t" feet height will cast a shadow how many feet long ? a)ft/b b)fb/t c)b/ft d)tb/f e)t/fb
What are the all tasks we can perform for managing services using the ambari service tab?
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How do I fix microsoft visual c++ 2015 setup failed?
How do I open microsoft word 2007 on my computer?
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