Can any body help to get Rsemulator 5000 free from internet if possible then give me any link or any help .
226610Hp, 3-phase, 415v, 50Hz induction motor. The above motor is to run on Star-Delta connection, so how do i make following hardware selection 1) MCB, 2) Contactor, 3) Wire Gage (Depending on P-P current or Line Current), 4) OLR, Please tell in detail how to do the above, so as to get the ans. of it even if the Hp rating changes.
1 5854what is the pressure in the tank when its level of liquid is 1.5 meters when its total capacity is 2 meters
2 3112what will be the pressure in tank which has the total level of 2 meters and is filled 1.2 meters ?
4 4189Post New Engro Interview Questions
Differentiate between consignor and consignee?
What do we21 t-code stand for?
Name two methods you could use to rename a file?
Who gave the idea of powerpoint?
Explain index cardinality?
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Explain the key features of hdfs?
Why hashtable is faster than arraylist?
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1 Crystal Ball 1.1 Purpose This is a simple tool, for entertainment purposes only. 1.2 Scope Only for registered user. 1.3 User Interface Single page with graphic of crystal ball, and text box for typing question. User has to type her question in text box outside ball. Reports: - On ‘submit’, the system needs to access any one of the pre-stored responses at random and display in a graphical, visually appealing manner in the crystal ball. - Audio / graphical changes need to be built in, for added user experience enhancement, like music, sound effects, visual changes. Need to get details.
Explain about Application and Session Events ?
What is the most enjoyable part of working at Nestle?
Define Bill of Exchange
What is the best way to control an oversized, horizontally oriented shell and tube steam heater?