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Metric Stream Interview Questions
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Why you have chosen Testing as your career, not developer ?

5 18830

What are main difference between Stored Procedure and Functions.

6 25147

Can we call a trigger inside a function and function inside a trigger? Give example.

1 14041

what is difference between DBMS and RDBMS?

2 5857

Suppose I have to create a view on a table, that is not yet been created by DBA. I khow the table structure. Is it possible to create the view before DBA creates this table? If yes then how? Is it possible to create synonym in this way?

4 11876

Difference between aggregate function and analytical function?

3 30553

Difference between NVL, NVL2 and NULLIF

1 36002

What is diff between bulk collect and forall

3 27015

write sub query for eliminating duplicate rows using analytical function?

3 12302

what is switch column,colums cost in oracle?


what are the tunnig tables you used for tuning a query and tell me some of coloumns in that tuning tables?

1 8839

can we drop dual table

7 14815

How will you make performance better for application including front end and back

2 9230

I have 2 packages A and B. Now package A references Package B and Package B references Package A. How do you compile such inter-dependent objects in PL/SQL

5 18154

how to i write the query 'NISHI' TO N I S H I

4 6455

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Un-Answered Questions

How would you correct the payroll simulation entry and check the correctness of master data?


What according to you should be done to boost the exports of the nation?


What is the neutral voltage in practical AC systems


The basel commitee was formed in which year?


What do you mean by cell in computer?


How can AI developers stay updated on regulatory requirements?


what is the max. area can we apply the plate load test ?


What is the benefit of Composition over Inheritance?


What is the protected keyword used for?


Explain the role of Streams API?


i want to became CCNA,MCSE(server) engineer in our anna university


i am a mba fresher and i'm learning oracle finance.please give me ur valueble suggetions about my career in oracle finance? what r the requirements 2 get a good job in time?


What is the difference between cube operator and rollup operator? : SQL Server Architecture


Can have i call constructor in interface?


How does a shaking tree work?