How to optimize stored procedure optimization?
What is the process studio in blue prism?
Why do we need encapsulation in c#?
What is artisan in laravel?
How do I fix context service has stopped?
what parameters should we check to reduce the power bill
What is path setting for dll?
What are you expecting from McDonalds in the future?
Generation of voltage for each phase are same of a turbogenerator.Although the short circuit current flow when two phase of turbogenerator are shorted(where current can't flow without potential difference),why?
Why tomcat is used in java?
Why Does An Organization Need To Manage The Workloads?
What is the use of expression tree in c#?
What other stream ciphers are there?
My question is on Opening & Closing Stock Suppose Closing stock of 2014-15 is Rs 30 lakhs & Also we filed return & ROC too for 2014-15. Opening stock for 2015-16 should be Rs 30 lakhs but we found that some purchase for feb & March 2015 Stock has been entered in tally Its taken directly to purchase split of stock not made & in sales to same of 2 lakhs no split of stock is shown. Those stock need to make changes in 2015-16 what was the process ? And what will be adjustment entry ?
What are the types of hooks in wordpressp and what are their functions?