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Zenith Interview Questions
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Suppose you want a certain ASP.NET function executed on MouseOver over a certain button. Where do you add an event handler?

1 6071

What will you do if you find that you cannot meet the requirements?

3 9660

what is the diffrence between qualityassurance and system testing explain in detail with an example?

3 11339

What is negative test case ?

5 9263

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cursor?

15 97851

what is the difference between off-line back up and on-line back up in ibm db2 udb?

2 8442

Dear All How can we get all the amounts which are generated in the HR Pay Roll to vendor (Employee treated as vendor),where we have to integrate to get these... How much amount will be transfer regarding payment (Salary) every month will be shown in Vendor (Deductions & Addings) For Example: Employee No.1224 (Treated Vendor-5071) Basic - 3000 PF 360 HRA- 1500 P Tax 100 Conveyance 600 Other Deductions 300 Edu Allowence 450 Medical Allowence 300 Shift Allowence 250 Gross Pay 6100 Total Deductions 760 Net Pay 5340 We want see as it is in Vendor account 5071 We assign GL A/cs for Symbolic Accounts-HR Pay roll works, but it doesn't show in Vendor Accounts. plz help me, where we do the changes/Config for this.

1 3479

How can i bypass websence to open the restricted sites?

4 9198

what is DLL?

7 11093

What is Files and Filegroups in SQL Server & it's implementation.

1 8710

what are the functions of marketing.


What is SCSI (Small Computer System Interface)?


Can any one give answer for this question. Suppose im having employee table with fields, eno, ename, dept, address1, address2, address3. In address field employee can fill only address1 or address2 or address3... at a time he can fill three address fields. now i want all employee names who filled only one address field.. Plz its urjent can any one give querry.. Thanks in advance.

2 6527

What is the mening of uidnvhe.?


Hi can you please answer the following these are my interview questions What is RAID & RAID levels What is DNS & DHCP What are IP classes and protocols

3 6734

Post New Zenith Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the difference between tcp/ip protocol and IP protocol?


What is the meant by my ami?


Why is the Internet of Everything happening at this juncture of time?


Why large boilers are water tube type ?


Difference between .Include and .append?


What are shift register cascades?


What is carbon steel ?


i want to run 11kv star connected motor in 6.6kv with delta connected throught inverter, is it possible?


What is advantage and disadvantage of linked list?


Are arrays structs in swift?


What is da in database?


What is ng-content directive in angular?


Explain what is record meta data?


How to store checkbox value in database in mvc? : Asp.Net MVC


Give me example of observer design pattern?