if yahoo ceo asks you to do performance testing for yahoo site, what are the inputs you ask from them?
1731Post New Yahoo Manual Testing Interview Questions
How big is a gigabyte?
How will you connect a waveguide to a coax?
what is load plans and types of load plans?
What do you think are the best practices of creating contact sharing rules?
What is intellimorph ?
What is an "RDD Lineage"?
Which compiler does turbo c++ use?
Explain the function of Unsupervised Learning?
Why use cursor in sql server?
What is application in computer?
What is the difference between upstream and downstream in a refinery?
Explain the Various steps in Synthesis?
You read an article that lists the following command: dd if=/dev/fdo bs=512 of=/new what does this accomplish?
define what a data queue is along with a brief example of what it may be used for?
What is the chemical composition of gene?