Repetaed Questions like 1)finding the unrepeated from 2n-1 nos and 2)finding duplicate no 3)better datastructure for paranthesisi elimination?
1 39001)If a shopkeeper sell 950gm things as 1000gms by cheating the weight then what is his gain in percentage.
15 15615Post New Yahoo English Interview Questions
What is meant by the 5’ and 3’ extremities of nucleic acids?
1. What is product proposal? 2. How do we do the campaign execution? 3. Difference between campaign automation and campaign execution
Are there any other type of relevant service architectures?
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What operating systems does the .net framework run on?
Mention the common features in Pig and Hive?
What is a char in java?
What do you mean by multithreading?
What is message client?
How many heads can be created in a repository?
how to calculate quantity of bricks in circular manhole with examples.
what are the applications of transistors with low dc gain, high dc gain and medium dc gain( beta)?
What's more important, fixing the customer's problem or creating a good customer experience?
What are mis reports and how do you prepare it?
State the role of sessionfactory interface plays in hibernate.