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Xansa Interview Questions
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How do you prepare a COBOL + DB2 program from coading till execution ?

1 10077

what are the frequent DB2 abends did you encounter in your programs ?? What are different SQL abends ??

4 12796

How do you Load a table ?? and what is Load replace ?

2 32723

what is a plan and how do you refer the plan in the program?

2 6374

why should we bind the DB2 program . What if we did not BIND a BD2 program ??

9 33805

My DB2 program first read the data from a file and then it look into a table with the data it got from the file.If we did not bind the program , should the file read before SQL execution be success??

2 5443

what is copy pending and check pending ?

1 10065

what needs to be done if a table is in copy pending / check pending status?

5 21799

what is check point and restart Logic ? why do we go for that ??

2 26697

How to create a package in changeman?

3 15612

What is checkout ?

10 12762

You are working on some changes. At the same time if someone else is working on the same program but with some different changes? How does changeman detects it ? when it detects ??

1 4835

Describe how a program can be staged to the changeman package ?

2 7226

What is meant by defferred revenue expenditure

13 30095

Hi i am surekha, my question is I have sap sd training and i am in bangalore, i have domain exp in sd dfor about 10 yrs , what are my chances of a job in sap sd module, i am ineterested in this subject and want to learn and work as well in this field.

12 25072

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Explain about Different types of real-time scheduling?


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How do I delete a mysql user?


Tell me the field calibration procedure step by step with diagram of pressure gauge, pressure switch, pressure transmitter, temperature switch, level switch, flow switch, flow transmitter.


How do I update my laptop from windows 7 to windows 10?


How do you limit the number of result returned?


What is a foreign key constraint why are such constraints important?


Is java developer a good career?


How do I replace pages in wordpress?


what are the iterator and generic algorithms.


What are the commands used in sql?


Hoe can we do retesting using functions please give the code for it using login page


What is meant by the statement that 8085 is a 8 bit microprocessor?


How would you finalize the number of resources/testers needed for the testing in the estimation ?


What are the types of database management system?