how do i read multiple spaces in datasets? eg: vijaya raghava perumal.I tried with using & but it workss if its vijaya raghava but not for raghava to do this?
8 11850I have a sequential file. How do I access a record in this sequential file randomly in my program ?
8 19505I have a sequential file of 100 records. How do I load the records into a two dimensional array ?
3 21525What is a Proc ? why do we go for a Proc ? What are the types of procs?Can we have nesting in Procs ?
9 13700Post New Xansa Interview Questions
How to Adjust form size to accommodate a required client size ?
Why angular 4? What’s new in angular 4?
What is flicker effect?
how would you write a query to select all teams that won either 2, 4, 6 or 8 games? : Sql dba
What is Banked Register in Arm 7?
Ihave been working with downloaded data and pasting a years worth at a time into a "template" that I want all the resulting spreadsheets to look like. Each years datahas approximately the same amount of data in it. Seems each spreadsheet is taking more and more space as I work on them? Any ideas what I have done?
As jobs become more team-oriented, assessment centers will be used more often for non-rnanagement jobs. Do you agree or disagree?
What is difference between coalesce and repartition?
Can we achieve this without using a trigger ?
What is difference between synchronize and concurrent collection in java?
what are the standard methods for HPLC?
What is request life-cycle of yii 2.0 framework?
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Does QTP run in any environment?
Where is iis manager?