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Virtusa Interview Questions
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write script for finding number of broken links in web page? kindly please answer my question.

3 16177

In operator is used in which transformation in informatica 8.6.0

5 18769

how to handle job errors in as400 what is the command and where can we find out whether the job has any errors

2 11191

what is ur weakness?

35 42720

On which order testing is done regression,retesting,functional,User Acceptance Testing,Usability Testing,Smoke Testing ???

1 6026

How smoke testing is done with example??

7 17191

can u explain me banking domain projects ? and in banking domain projects how many dimension tables and how many fact tables and how to load source and targets in mapping level plese expain give me one example?

1 16546

what is the difference between smoke testing and sanitry testing

2 4903

How to generate 3 digit random number?

3 5391

What is the pros and cons between QTP and Rational Robot


This is my Physical file 'EMPS' existing in library "TAMIL1" and its record format is 'EMPRCD" a)its source is R EMPRCD ENO 4 0 ENAME 10 EADD 10 b)The records present in EMPS are as follows ENO ENAME EADD 0001 tamil coimbatore 0002 kumar bangalore 0003 sunder bangalore 0004 arunkumar chennai 0005 pandi hyderabad 0006 santhosh hyderabad 0007 sasi salem 0008 kalai chennai 0009 suresh hyderabad 0010 vijay bangalore 0011 Arul chennai 0012 velu chennai 0013 khan bangalore 0014 praba chennai 0015 praba.p coimbatore 0016 anand ooty 0017 raja erode 0018 sankar erode 0019 vadivel namakkal 0020 anbu chennai 0021 Ajith mumabi c)now i want to select the 'ENAME' field records starting with 'S' for that i have created a RPG program its source code is PGM DCLF FILE(TAMIL1/EMPS) DCL VAR(&MYENO) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(4) OVRDBF FILE(EMPS) SHARE(*YES) OPNQRYF FILE((TAMIL1/EMPS)) QRYSLT('ENAME *EQ %WLDCRD("S *")') READ: RCVF RCDFMT(EMPRCD) MONMSG MSGID(CPF0864) EXEC(GOTO CMDLBL(END)) CHGVAR VAR(&MYENO) VALUE(&ENO) SNDUSRMSG MSG(&MYENO) SNDUSRMSG MSG(&ENAME) SNDUSRMSG MSG(&EADD) GOTO READ END: CLOF OPNID(EMPS) DLTOVR FILE(EMPS) ENDPGM Is this coding correct sir,the program gets compiled,and if i call it it says query running but records are not displayed.please help me out

4 7637

Can any one explain the basic things about RLU and Printer Files and their Definitions for both and why are they used,i'm a newbee so please help me out


Can u explain me banking domain projects? And in banking domain projects how many dimension tables and how many fact tables and how to load source and targets in mapping level Please explain give me one example


plz tell me some dimentional and fact table names in banking project?

2 9099

1 2 3 2 5 6 7 8 3 find the next term in the series

3 6857

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Virtusa Interview Questions

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What is the main difference between function calls and messages?


How can we check the logged-in user info in laravel?


How do users see report headers while scrolling? What to do to enable this floating report header?


What are the question being asked by HSBC???


What are neutrophils?


What do you understand by multi-threading and multi-tasking?


What is identity?


hello there, can anyone tell me what type of question does lg soft company ask in written test especially for a quant part? Thanku


What is check constraint in db2?


What is the turbine?


What is constructor in java ?


What is NBFC?


What do you know about a pipe? When is it used?


Can you sort a list in java?


What are the main features of xml?