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UST Interview Questions
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if i am reading a file with some 50000 records and moving to a DB2 table and suddenly the program abends in between, is there anyway i could restart from the exact record at which the job failed once the program restarts.

2 8060

Can a array declared with an index be displayed(readable format) in spool?

4 6182

What is field testing?

3 12630

I have a JCL with 100 steps. I want run the Alternate steps in the JCL ( Like 2 ,4,6,8 etc.. ). How can I acheive this scenario? If It is by Cond Parameter can you provide the Condition code for that?

5 27152

who is the father of C Language?

20 29593

Can you use a select query in a loop to fetch multiple rows? If so what is the advantage of using a cursor?

2 3790

Can we use select query in a loop to fetch multiple rows in a COBOL PROGRAM? If so, what is the advantage of cursor?

1 5406

What are the different caches used in informatica?

3 6415

how will you retrieve first record in table

1 5632

how will i display the duplicate record's from a table... i don't want to eliminate ...i want to display the duplicate record...for example in my table i have 10 record's like record no(1,2,3,4,2,9,6,1) in this i want to receive duplicates...

1 5381

Why we select the table which has minimum number of records as Master table in joiner?

4 18671

In banking domain how many Fact tables,Dimension table are present?


what is the differenc between table control and table control wizard?

1 10579

what is unit testing?tell me proceedure


Why do you intend to enroll at UST


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What is the difference between IOT devices and embedded devices?


What do you understand by middleware? How can you use middleware in node js?


What do you mean by a template?


What is the role of actuary analysts in investment?


What do you mean by summary index?


What are the different schemas objects that can be created using pl/sql?


How do you mix cells in excel?


What do you mean by Data mining?


What is df command in linux?


How to install cakephp with composer?


What is Universal Worklist UWL?


What are the different Selenium components?


Is it possible to destroy a cookie?


What is more important, product or customer service?


What is Classloader in Java?