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UST DB2 Interview Questions
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what is check point and restart Logic ? why do we go for that ??

2 26636

if there is a table with huge number of records and if i want to extract only first 3 records from the table, what query i have to provide to retreive first 3 records

4 7033

i hav created a program and moved to production but failed to create the table which is been used in the program. the program shows error as soon as it is moved or installed in production or shows error during its runtime. what is the sqlcode for this error

3 6360

Can a array declared with an index be displayed(readable format) in spool?

4 6181

Can you use a select query in a loop to fetch multiple rows? If so what is the advantage of using a cursor?

2 3787

Can we use select query in a loop to fetch multiple rows in a COBOL PROGRAM? If so, what is the advantage of cursor?

1 5406

how will you retrieve first record in table

1 5632

how will i display the duplicate record's from a table... i don't want to eliminate ...i want to display the duplicate record...for example in my table i have 10 record's like record no(1,2,3,4,2,9,6,1) in this i want to receive duplicates...

1 5381

Request to database but database is not available so what is was abend is raised?

2 6967

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If offered the job, how long do you plan to stay at Whole Foods?


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Metal covered multiconductor cables shall employ a marker tape located within the cable running for its complete length in lieu of cable surface marking. Is it true or false?


How macro execution is faster than function ?


What do cpu threads do?


On what basis does the negotiation about a product takes place?


what is the function of ‘supervised learning’?


What is angular singleton service?


Is cli same as the clr?


What are the tools of ms power point?


What do you mean by pooled capacity?


Can IoT work without Internet?


What is the difference between Row Storage and Column Storage?


Explain all the file processing modes supported by python?


What do you meant by active and passive objects?