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TVS Interview Questions
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why java is called as a purely oops language.

3 7879

At what time immediately prior to Six O'clock the hands of the clock are exactly opposite to each other. Give the exact time in hours, minutes and seconds.

1 11321

what is the difference between earth and neutral?

56 152116

What is the most complicated/valuable program you written in C/C++?

23 38271

When do you get a .PLL extension ?

2 12238

Diffusion of light in the atmosphere takes place due to (a) Carbon dioxide (b) Dust particles (c) Helium (d) Water vapours

4 25877

Would you like to work in a team or alone, why?

1 3736

?Unicorn? motorbike model has been launched by which company? 1 Hero 2 TVS 3 Honda 4 Yamaha

3 5862

speak for 2 minutes on some topic

46 804045

Synchrounous motor is three phase motor,but its not self starting .why?

23 54322

please inform about the date of exam of hpcl for fresh engineers recruitment in mechanical stream?


i want sample question paper for SECTION ENGINEER IN RRB.


sir, i am having a asst loco pilot exam in rrb on 20.04.08 can u send the model question paper for that?

13 16050

thermal engineering,strength of materials,design of machine element,

3 17430

What is difference between Gross salay and CTC?

16 48183

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How do you solve cyclic redundancy check?


Is c++ the hardest programming language?


Why 15Amp. MCB is suitable to carry load of 1.5Ton Ac please Explain?


What is deference between MCB & MCCB & ISOLATOR


What is the purpose of forms?


What is the function of the br tag?


What are global installations of dependencies?


How can we call UDF(User Define Function) using C# code in ?


Are you a good team player?


What are the success factors for continuous integration?


What are the three main aims of html5?


Why echo is used in linux?


Discuss briefly the role of DIC in promoting entrepreneurship.


How can AI companies address societal fears about automation?


What is structure of dbms?