why java is called as a purely oops language.

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why java is called as a purely oops language...

Answer / bhagya

java is called purely oops language why because poor opps
language means every thing should be done with the help of
objects only.in java whenever it is still using the c types
(just java is using the best functionalities in java)it is
possessing the oops concepts.it is clear that in java every
thing should be with in a class or a object.with out using
object we cannot do any thing in java.

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why java is called as a purely oops language...

Answer / sujith

Java is not at all a purely oops language.

A language is called to be purely oops language if and only
if what ever we use in that are objects, including data
types. java still uses c types only except for Strings.

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why java is called as a purely oops language...

Answer / kiran

In Java,since every statement is written under some class( including main()), we can call-it pure o-o. But, Smalltalk is the language that is pure o-o than java

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