What is WP11 Implicit Termination?
What is difference between callback and promise?
List the properties of a transaction.
When underfitting occurs in a static model?
What is entity framework in asp net?
What are treasury bills?
Give example of heterogeneous systems.
Do hard drives spin when not in use?
what are the customization u have done in sap mm
When are declarative and programmatic transaction management used?
Hey hi........ I need 2 attend an interview...... presently am workin as SAP-SD support consultent, plz guide me wat the questions wil b asked by an interviwer as I go further as a consultent.... plz rply me urgently.......... I would be very grateful to you for your timely help.Thanks in advance. Regards
How did c++ start?
What are the 5 operating system?
How you will compare this with atg or wcs?
Are spring beans singleton?