what exactly happens when we execute "Class.forname("Driver class name");"?Explain indetail
10 24487Post New Trigent Interview Questions
How to loop through data rows in the implicit cursor?
What is Event loop in Node.js work? And How does it work?
Explain the characteristics of wage type?
Do the interrupts of 8085 have priority?
What does the scope of variables mean?
How can we find the current value for shell variables?
Explain me ETL project architecture in Detail?
armature winding of dc machine produce alternating emf then it convert in to dc by using commutator.But only we consider armature resistance why don't we consider inductive reactane effect?
Explain about the data integration suite features?
Why does google rank wikipedia for so many topics?
Is php 5.6 secure?
What is struct node in c?
Which property of matrix gives the total number of rows in the matrix ?
What is ruby software and where and when it is usefull.
Please explain what is bootstrap well?