There were a lot of questions asked, so I will list the topic (and add a what is "topic" and know pros/cons). Extreme programming, what is a transaction, various SDLC design approaches, what is a namespace, define a good test case, what is a stored proc, webservice? design patterns? linker? compiler? access modifiers? stack vs. queue? arrays vs. linked lists? sorting algorithms? recursion? OOP principles?
1698sql related question (outer join, left, right etc) array vs hashtable CRL sqldatareader vs dataset what is WPF, WCF, compare to WinForms Webservices MVC vs WebForms?
3087Post New Avanade Interview Questions
Does sfc scannow fix registry?
Tell me what is pascal s principle?
What is the disease caused by Escherichia coli 0157:H7?
What are the accounting behind consigned inventory in P2P?
Tell me what are your long-term goals or career plans? : insurance sales
How are composite and multiple indexes different?
What is mineralogist?
What is an rnn?
This process applies evaluation criteria to the bids and proposals received from potential vendors: A. Solicitation B. Contract Administration C. Source Selection D. Quality Assurance
Explain .apk extension.
What are the template tags in WordPress? List some of them?
How vsam files are read in cics pgms?
How to use 'mysql' to run sql statements?
Explain pge Directives.
What is collection?