There were a lot of questions asked, so I will list the topic (and add a what is "topic" and know pros/cons). Extreme programming, what is a transaction, various SDLC design approaches, what is a namespace, define a good test case, what is a stored proc, webservice? design patterns? linker? compiler? access modifiers? stack vs. queue? arrays vs. linked lists? sorting algorithms? recursion? OOP principles?
1698Post New Avanade C Sharp Interview Questions
What is pitching in the suspension system?
which are the basic princeples of accountancy... with examples
Can I run windows 7 and windows 10 on the same computer?
Imagine a patient expresses a strong preference for Alprazolam due to its rapid onset of action. How would you address their request while considering their overall well-being?
Which class is the superclass of every class?
How do I view formatting in word?
What is the use of printf() and scanf() functions?
If while installing a package with pip, you get the error no matching installation found, what can you do?
What are the advantages of
What is a stage deployment?
What are the common mysql functions?
What is relationship in views?
what is the advantage of submersible level transmitter compare to ultrasonic level transmitter?
How to pass an argument to a function?