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SCS Interview Questions
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what types battery chargers are there?wanted with details.

3 6138

How to increase the specific gravity of DG batteries?

3 5980

How to increase the specific gravity of DG batteries?

5 11820

How to increase the specific gravity of DG batteries?

12 19426

A company wants to transmit data over the telephone, but it is concerned that its phones may be tapped. All of its data is transmitted as four-digit integers. It has asked you to write a program that will encrypt its data so that the data may be transmitted more securely. Your script should read a four digit integer entered by the user in a prompt dialog and encrypt it as follows: Replace each digit by (the sum of that digit plus 7) modulus 10. Then swap the first digit with the third, and swap the second digit with the fourth. Then output XHTML text that displays the encrypted integer.

2 27786

Consider a control valve action,the inlet air pressure is only 6 ksc but physically how it can be operate against 100 ksc line fluid pressure?

2 6305

ABB DCS (AC 800 M)redundency take howmany milliseconds to switch from master controller to slave?should be less than DCS scanning time?

2 5477

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How can we kill a topology?


How we will dabit profit & Loss a/c in tally because profit & Loss a/c is tally generated a/c. we have to make provision for tax.


How do you categorize a big data?


What is interface inheritance in c#?


What is the functionality of the stub?


What is ORM?


How is it possible in java programming for two string objects with identical values not to be equal under the == operator?


What are the types of contract available in wcf?


How can you disable comments in wordpress?


What is the shortcut to create a table in excel?


How do I install activex controls?


How many maximum numbers of tables can you join in tableau?


Can we upload test cases from an excel sheet into test director?


Explain how do you handle errors in cics programs?


What are various scheduling queues?