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Samsung Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the difference between Class and Structure?

40 220801

What is Difference between thread and process?

28 261231

What is the difference between microprocessor and microcontroller?

64 189767

What are wrapped classes?

7 13487

How to resolve many to many relationship?

6 34582

A polygon has 1325 diagonals. How many vertices does it have?

1 7839

PHILIPS PLACEMENT PAPERS ________ Placement Paper 2

1 15239

What is Namespace?

5 9379

Give an example of microkernel.

13 32121

Which of the following exposures could be caused by a line-grabbing technique? A. Unauthorized data access B. Excessive CPU cycle usage C. Lockout of terminal polling D. Multiplexor control dysfunction

1 25534

Write a floral formula for a flower which has 5 united sepals; a zygomorphic corolla of 5 petals-one large one, two small ones, and two that are united; 9 stamens united by their filaments and one free; and one superior carpel.

7 17030

The first Asian Games were held in: (a) New Delhi in 1951 (b) Bangkok in 1952 (c) Singapore in 1952 (d) Kuala Lumpur in 1952

9 40776

What is difference between marketing and sales

42 64329

how u describe urself? tell us about urself?

18 35637

What is the difference between sendRedirect() and forward()? in what situations do we have to use send redirect() instead of forward().

13 41581

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Samsung Interview Questions

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What do you need if you want to bind a list to data in your jsonmodel?


how can you perform exception handling without using component like tjava,tjavarow?


How to reverse singly link list?


What is the full form of ddl?


Explain the difference between static and dynamic binding of functions?


What are the features of lotus notes?


Distinguish between angularjs expression & javascript expression?


Tell me what happens if you fail to make required premium payments? : insurance sales


What is the use of Runtime workbench in PI system?


What are different process control areas that are shared with risk management?


What is cluster in mongodb?


Is it necessary to register a controller command in cmdreg table?


What are the components of splunk/splunk architecture?


Is Demonetization a boon or bane for the country?


What is a service contract, operation contract and data contract?