what is the structure of atomic nuclei and how do complex systems derive their properties from their individual constituents?
2028A man starts his journey from the North Pole and travels a distance of 100 kms. in one direction. Thereafter, he turns towards east and travels another 100 kms. then he turns northward and goes for another 100 kmz. How far he is now from the North Pole ? (a) 0 km (b) 100 km (c) 200 km (d) 400 km
3 6599A photoelectric cell converts (a) Light energy to thermal energy (b) Light energy to sound energy (c) Light energy to electrical energy (d) Electrical energy to light energy
3 33298Which of the following gases makes limewater milky white ? (a) Ammonia (b) CO (c) CO2 (d) Chlorine
2 6089Which of the following districts grows most of coffee ? (a) Coorg (b) Mysore (c) Hubli (d) Bellary
7 10750?CAS? stands for (a) Conditional Audio System (b) Conditional Access System (c) Complete Audio System (d) Complete Access System
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is is advisable to give a Pewter finish n Stainless Steel ? State the Advantages & disadvantages.
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