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Protech Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How to use CRC Cards for Class Design?

2 6077

What is the difference between static and dynamic Classificaition.Give some examples.

1 5135

Explian following terms: Constraint Rules, Design by contract.

1 3952

What is Object Constraint Language (OCL)?

1 7072

Difference Between Attribute and Association.

2 6758

What are associative classes?

3 6219

How do you convert uses cases into test cases?

1 8803

What is the difference between Monkey testing an Ad-hoc testing (If ur answer is same, then why we need two names)

6 39009

How Web Services help Us? What r the difference between Remoting and webservices

5 12465

How to kill session?

18 34917

How to compare two strings with out Case sensitive ?

4 14067

what is garbage collection?

8 9439

what is execute scalar?

11 22164

what is Execute NOn Query?

29 63825

Difference b/w dataset.clone and dataset.copy ?

1 6870

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Un-Answered Questions

What is dao and how it works?


How to get a list of tables, views and columns in firebird database?


What is the difference between ctrl f5 and f5?


How many columns should be in an index?


What companies use python?


Is boolean a wrapper class in java?


What is the significance of refs in react?


Explain what is the function file_get_contents() usefull for?


What does dynamic component in javascript contain?


Explain characteristics of client/server? : Client server computing


Explain about Property-Map-DecisionTable method?


What is the interactive job? What is the batch job? How to change the batch job to interactive job?


in dc shunt motor if field winding is shorted then


What is the advantage of collapsing white space?


What is CAR?