What is the difference between Monkey testing an Ad-hoc testing (If ur answer is same, then why we need two names)
6 39009Post New Protech Manual Testing Interview Questions
How do you create a validation rule?
How is streaming implemented in spark? Explain with examples.
What are the advantages of using cte?
Explain in detail default data blending join?
When do views become available in the interface controller ?
What is keyword density?
What is typedef struct in c?
Is a type which is not valid in the given context linq join?
Is it possible to build our modules in ansible?
sir i'm having exp as a HR-Recruiter, now i'm willing to work in other areas of HR.Is learning of accounting courses such as (Payroll mgmt,TDS, service tax, vat, provident fund, gratuity fund, Tally ERP.9 )is necessary? if so, kindly guide me what all accounting courses i need to study to work in other areas of HR. or what are the qualifications required to work in other areas of HR? 2)one of my friend would like to know the job profile for Finance admin..
Mention the various kinds of businesses transactions?
How do I select a language in visual studio code?
If the action is action_call, what the data field would be ?
Hi Friends, i have searched in google but not clear. can you give bank example with synchronized keyword
Can you give an example of peoplesoft server process logs?