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ONGC Interview Questions
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Ankaleshwar in India is known for the production of (a) Bauxite (b) Coal (c) Iron ore (d) Petroleum

5 31121

Who among the following is the Chairman of Planning Commission in India ? (a) Finance Minister of India (b) Prime Minister of India (c) President of India (d) Home Minister of India

34 62099

i want pattern of ONGC Written examination

13 35106

why transformer donot allow the dc?

17 24735

R sir, i need placement paper of last years of IOCL in chemical sream...... send me the question paper as soon as possible on my email address.

18 24356

Please send me technical paper of ONGC for Mechanical branch.I am in need of the paper.Pls send me.

3 8166

Respected Sir, Please send me the technical question paper of ONGC.I am in urgent need of it.

1 4729

Respected Sir, Please send me the technical question paper of ONGC of mechanical branch.I m in urgent need of it.

7 10220

Hello Friends I had my ONGC test today,but it was very bad.But I would give certain suggestions so that u may not face he problem which i had. Be thorough with Electrical Technology.Generators.motors stators etc.There are 5 questions on that. There were also good no.of questions from Hydraulic machine and Production technology. Then 3 from Strength of materials.And remember the dimensional quantities.


The ratio of Emissive to absorption power of heat by a body is equal to heat emitted by a perfect black body. Who said the statement

3 9283

why commutator is attached with only dc macine

8 11843

what is earth-fault?when it occurs? to check where it occurs what type of test should we do?


How can I zero check of wet leg type DP Tx ?

6 15109

please send me the question papers of previous years..I am a student of Geology

1 4084

Why effective AC resistance is more than DC resistance of a transmission line?

9 23745

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ONGC Interview Questions

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idoc is sucess in ECC, and WE02 code is sucess and IDOC is not reached to PI system. what is reason.


Which is better hashset or treeset?


What is reflection and what is it for?


What is the use of session?


What is a spring framework?


Explain “static” keyword in c#?


What does tuple mean?


I want to measure and control level in tank of size 10*5 filled with gasoline, so plz give me the solution with clear details. how to select transmitter and sensors.


What is edit scenarios in excel?


How to redirect to another page using jquery?


What is dao design pattern?


What is the benefit of tableau extract file over the live connection?


Is typeof c#?


What does the alt key do in microsoft word?


How to measure the earth resistance value in a concrete pavement(flood light area)?