Who among the following is the Chairman of Planning Commission in India ? (a) Finance Minister of India (b) Prime Minister of India (c) President of India (d) Home Minister of India
34 62099Post New ONGC UPSC General Studies Interview Questions
I want measure the volumetric flow of gas in waste heat recovery Boiler?Tell me how and which type of instruments required. Plz mail me:naba02222@gmail.com Sam please post the answer .
What does rdd stand for?
what happens to guaranteed documents when outbound document store is full
Tell me in accounting, vat abbreviates what?
Can we extend immutable class?
How to Sort Strings which are given in List and display in ascending order without using java api.
Difference between Dynaset and Snapshot?
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Why release is important for seo or website?
Let me know the liability positions of Partners
What would be your most preferred work within HCL?
What is an expression in jsp?
Any two Limitations of Flume?
What are your views on the cashless economy?
What do you mean by replication factor?