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2 11477Post New NDDB Interview Questions
Which format specifier is used for printing a pointer value?
What is shift command in shell script?
How much does it cost to upgrade to windows 10?
On what basis Friability limit NMT 1.0%w/w is recommended. what is impact on formulation if this limit exceeds.
Why gii is used?
Explain what the use of canvas element in html5?
Which one is more efficient in terms of required memory space call-by-value or call-by-referance?
Is cyclotetrane aromatic?
How much space will be available in sky drive pro per user?
What is the difference between response.redirect & server.transfer?
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What is manifest file in html5?
What is the use of dagger?
What is a toxoid?
Tell me what is use of in_array() function in php?