write a C code to reverse a string using a recursive function, without swapping or using an extra memory.
9 40342through which algorithm does the garbage collector works? how the garbage collector will understand that the object will going to be deleted?
2176delete data from staging table as it loads to target table.here is the case we are getting data from 3 different server.a b and c.the data from server A loaded into staging table and we ran the task and data loaded to target table.now today data from server B and C also got loaded to the staging table.now what techniques and what transformations should be used to delete only the data which has been loaded only to the target.we need to delete only that data from staging which has been loaded into the target.looking for your responses
2 5238Post New Motorola Interview Questions
What is the difference between the positional and keyword parameters? Give examples.
Why do we need Natural language processing?
How to display employee records who gets more salary than the average salary in the department?
Tell us the ideal supervisor that you want want to work for?
How do I find com ports in linux?
When is the use of update_statistics command?
What are the types of soql statements in sales force?
What is Surge Capacitor? Why it is require in Generator Circuit Breaker,inspite of surge arrester?
What is ajp tomcat?
What is called variable?
What are images. Why are they used. ?
How do I link cells in different worksheets in excel 2016?
What is modelbinder in backbone.js ?
Why should Salesforce hire you?