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Motorola C Interview Questions
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WAP – represent a char in binary format

4 7618

write a C code to reverse a string using a recursive function, without swapping or using an extra memory.

9 40342

write a C code To reverse a linked list

2 14009

Difference between Class and Struct.

13 37393

Tell about strtok & strstr functions

2 18321

How to reverse a string using a recursive function, without swapping or using an extra memory?

31 97318

What is the Difference between Class and Struct?

10 11511

What is the Difference between Macro and ordinary definition?

3 25127

what's the o/p int main(int n, char *argv[]) { char *s= *++argv; puts(s); exit(0); }

1 4243

what is difference between array and structure?

44 130072

Function to find the given number is a power of 2 or not?

20 41626

If we have an array of Interger values, find out a sub array which has a maximum value of the array and start and end positions of the array..The sub array must be contiguious. Take the start add to be 4000. For Ex if we have an array arr[] = {-1,-2,-5,9,4,3,-6,8,7,6,5,-3} here the sub array of max would be {8,7,6,5} coz the sum of max contiguous array is 8+7+6+5 = 26.The start and end position is 4014(8) and 4020(5).

5 10095

array contains zeros and ones as elements.we need to bring zeros one side and one other side in single parse. ex:a[]={0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0} o/p={0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1}

12 14545

Differentiate between Macro and ordinary definition.


Write a function that will take in a phone number and output all possible alphabetical combinations


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Motorola C Interview Questions

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