For Dissolution test why we are Performing 6 Bowls why not more.any were mentioned or in what basis we are performing? --------Veerabhadrarao.M
2 11454In Number of Theoretical Plates (N) = 16 (tr/w)2. where tr: retention time, and W: peak width. My Question is here in formula what is 16.Can u explain briefly? ---Veerabhadrarao.M
3 18640some product having water content method with pyridine and ethylene glycol mixture instead of methanol? how they are selecting and methanol is not suitable solvent how ?
2264Why we compare unequal concentrated solutions in heavy metals test. For example comparing the test solution with 1 ppm lead standard and telling it's less than 20ppm?
1 7231Post New Micro Labs Interview Questions
Name the file-related modules in python?
difference between main metering kiosk and check metering kiosk
How will you solve canonicalization issue or what is .htacess file?
According to you which is the most important OSI layer?
How we can multiple submit buttons in ASP.Net MVC
How to Determine if you have Delphi v3.02 installed?
Can django be null?
How to use core data objects between two threads?
How to you define your goals in life? Do believe in making plans and strategies for the future or believe in grabbing opportunities as they come?
mention different types of relationships in the dbms?
What are the factors that influence immunogenesity?
Explain what is dot notation?
What is lifting state up in react?
Tell me can we override a native sql query within informatica? Where do we do it? How do we do it?
for pretensioning which will yield first and same for post tensioning?